Toronto Pflag Volunteer Registration


Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Toronto Pflag. Please fill out this form which will help us get to know you and match your interest and skills to our needs. All information you provide to us is completely confidential.  



Your Contact Details

Confirm Email*



I use the following pronouns:

choose any below
or write your preference here


 Help us get to know you!

1. What is your connection to Toronto Pflag?
2. People sign up to volunteer with Toronto Pflag for many different reasons. Please check any that relate to you from the following list:
Other (please specify)
3. Why are you interested in volunteering at Toronto Pflag
4. In what way are you most interested in helping?
5. Please describe briefly any particular skills or experiences that would be of benefit to Toronto Pflag
6. Generally, what times are you available?
7. Languages Spoken
Other, please specify


Wrap Up

I am interested in receiving future communications from Toronto Pflag including newsletters, event notices, feedback surveys, etc.
Additional Comments
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